Should An Air Purifier Be On All The Time?

Last updated on Apr 19, 2022 FEATURED
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Of recent, there has been a growing concern over indoor air pollution. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indoor air pollution levels can be 2-5 times higher than outdoor levels. As a way of curbing this problem, doctors recommend the use of air purifiers. However, sometimes air pollution can rapidly increase, especially when the air purifier is off. This is why most people wonder whether they should run air purifiers all the time.

Air purifiers play a significant role in maintaining good air quality. They work by filtering out airborne impurities to make the air safe for breathing. However, due to various reasons, most people run their air purifiers sparingly.

Challengingly, when the air purifier is off, air pollutants tend to accumulate. This at times can significantly affect an individual. Now many of you are asking should an air purifier be on all the time.

Yes, you should leave on your air purifiers all the time. There are several reasons why you should leave on your air purifier all the time.

Why You Should Let Your Air Purifier Be On All The Time

  • Prevents pollutant Accumulation

Image showing an air purifier
Air purifier

Leaving the air purifier running all time is the best way to keep pollution minimal. Air purifiers work by removing airborne impurities. When left to run all the time, they can ensure pollutants remain as minimal as possible. However, if you turn your air purifier off, you create room for the pollutants to accumulate. Therefore, by letting the unit run all the time, you inhibit the accumulation of pollution.

  • Some Air Purifiers Entail Auto Mode Feature

When using these air purifiers, you do not need to worry about electricity bills. The auto mode feature allows the air purifier to work only when necessary. This feature uses sensors that monitor the air quality. In case, pollution is detected, the air purifier automatically adjusts the fan speed to remove the pollutants. On the other hand, when there are no impurities in the air, the unit will temporarily shut off.

This means the air purifier can keep removing pollutants immediately after they are detected. Ultimately, this can help maintain quality air that is safe for breathing.

  • Protect Patients

People battling asthma, indoor allergies, and some cancers need to breathe good air all the time. Most indoor impurities can trigger or worsen some conditions. For instance, molds, dust mites, and bacteria can worsen asthma or allergies.

In this case, when you let the air purifier run throughout, you minimize the risk of affecting patients. Therefore, it is good to leave your air purifier on all the time to keep patients safe.

Is There A Time You Can Turn Off An Air Purifier?

Image showing an air purifier with air quality indicator
Air Purifier Indicating Air Quality

There is no time that you can guarantee zero air pollution. This is means there is no good time to put off your air purifier. Any time you switch off your unit, you create room for the accumulation of pollutants.

However, some people usually turn off their air purifiers when they are going to bed. Notably, this is done with the assumption that there are less or no sources of pollution. Well, to a certain extent this assumption can be considered. This is because there is usually no cooking, cleaning, and combustion during nighttime. These are the most common sources of indoor air pollution.

Nevertheless, this does not guarantee your safety. Basically, this is because there are other sources of pollution that remain active. Take an example of formaldehyde, odors, and dust mites. First of all, formaldehyde can come from furniture and paint. These remain active even at night.

Also, some odors come from pets and bathrooms. Dust mites are a result of damp areas such as basements and garages. At night, these dust mites can still get introduced into the air.   

Some people also turn off their air purifiers when they are leaving home. This is a wise option given that you are not around to inhale unsafe air. But it is also not 100% safe. Certainly, when you come back home, you will have to breathe in unsafe air before the air purifier cleanses it.

Is There A Reason Why I Cannot Run My Air Purifier Continuously?

There is no reason that can prevent you from running your air purifier continuously. Air purifiers are health-wise safe and doctors recommend them. However, you might be strained by the rising electricity bills. In case, you are worried about this problem you can check out your unit’s AHAM certification. If the air purifier is AHAM certified, it means its energy consumption rate is low.

If it is not certified, then there is a reason to worry. In most cases, uncertified devices consume a lot of energy compared to certified ones. For this matter, you should always take note of AHAM certification whenever purchasing an air purifier.

Generally, this will help you run your air purifier continuously without having a significant impact on electricity bills.

What To Consider When Running My Air Purifier Continuously

  • Enabled Functions

You need to take note of the function or mode the air purifier is running in. Some air purifiers come with multiple purification systems. These may include ionizers. Air purifiers that release minimal ionizers are generally safe. However, there are some units that generate a lot of ions, which form ozone. Though, this may happen after a long time of continuous purification.

When inhaled, ozone can cause throat, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, and some respiratory infections.

Therefore, if your air purifier has an ionizer feature, you should enable the function for a short time. This will help minimize the risk of getting exposed to ozone.

  • Filter Replacement

Image showing air purifier filter
Air purifier filter

To run your air purifier 24/7, you need to ensure the filters are replaced in time. When an air purifier runs for a long time, the filters tend to wear out quickly. This means you have to replace filters within 2-4 months. Failure to replace filters, the air purifier may become another source of air pollution. This is because the trapped impurities clog filters.

  • Noise Levels

Sometimes, especially at night, it can be inconvenient to sleep in a noisy place. Notably, having a noisy air purifier in your bedroom can make you fail to sleep. In this regard, you need to take caution with your unit’s noise levels. You should check out how much noise is generated when set to maximum. In general, you may not let your air purifier run for long if it is noisy.


You should let your air purifier be on all the time. This comes with numerous benefits including ensuring the air quality remains good at all times. You should not worry about the electricity being consumed. Most air purifiers are AHAM certified. This means they consume less energy even if they work for long.

Partial running of your air purifier can lead to the accumulation of airborne pollutants. These are ever-present given that they come from common household products. For this reason, it is difficult to prevent indoor air pollution.

The only way to avoid this situation is to let your air purifier work unceasingly. Therefore, this will help maintain quality air that is safe for everyone. 

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